Committed to Financial Empowerment in South Dakota
By improving financial education, individuals learn to be prepared for life’s unplanned events by being resourceful enough to bear the fiscal challenges of adult life. We aim to empower South Dakotans to set financial goals, grow their incomes, reduce debt and build up savings. The tools on this page will help you take control of your finances.
Groups of Focus
Select a group of focus to view the resources and tools provided.
College Students

Hands on Banking
The Hands on Banking financial education program can help you learn more about money management and provides all the tools you need to help you become financially savvy.
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Federal Student Aid
Getting financially ready for college can be easier than you think. This site discusses key steps in preparing for college and provides resources that can help you along the way.
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Mint by Intuit
Easily create budgets, track your credit score and get a complete snapshot of your finances.
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MoneyFit Academy
Offering free, online courses to help you build your financial capability.
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A resource entirely based on animated videos, the most effective educational medium according to researchers.
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Time for Payback
Payback nudges students to think about how to succeed in college without taking on excessive student debt.
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Credit Clash
Credit Clash is a fun and interactive way to learn about credit scores.
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The Uber Game
The interactive game, created by the Financial Times, challenges students to face life circumstances of those in the gig economy.
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Young Families & Emerging Adults

Money Smart
Money Smart Computer-Based Instruction provides financial education for Adults and Young Adults. Select adult curriculum and register for a free account.
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College Access 529
This program is designed to enable investors to save and invest for qualified educational expenses of a child or other beneficiary on a tax-favored basis.
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Mint by Intuit
Easily create budgets, track your credit score and get a complete snapshot of your finances.
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MoneyFit Academy
Offering free, online courses to help you build your financial capability.
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A resource entirely based on animated videos, the most effective educational medium according to researchers.
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Smart Women Smart Money
Smart Women Smart Money’s mission is to provide financial education and empowerment to women throughout the United States.
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Peter Pig's Money Counter
Learning about money is fun with Peter Pig. In this interactive game, kids practice identifying, counting and saving money while learning fun facts about U.S. currency.
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The Uber Game
The interactive game, created by the Financial Times, challenges players to face life circumstances of those in the gig economy.
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High School Students

Federal Student Aid
Getting financially ready for college can be easier than you think. This site discusses key steps in preparing for college and provides resources that can help you along the way.
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Claim Your Future
Claim Your Future is a game that encourages you to explore education after high school, future careers, and money management.
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A resource entirely based on animated videos, the most effective educational medium according to researchers.
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Time for Payback
Payback nudges students to think about how to succeed in college without taking on excessive student debt.
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Credit Clash
Credit Clash is a fun and interactive way to learn about credit scores.
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Funding the Future
A musical approach to teaching financial literacy to teenagers across the country. Funding is being provided to this non-profit organization to perform live concerts in South Dakota's high schools.
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Disabled Individuals

National Disability Institute
The National Disability Institute is dedicated to improving the financial wellness of people across the spectrum of disability.
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South Dakota Investment Council
South Dakotans with disabilities, and their families, may save and invest for expenses related to living with a disability without losing eligibility for federal and state benefits.
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Impoverished Families

Smart About Money
It's a free, unbiased resource where you can find in-depth personal finance courses, articles, calculators and tips to help you manage your money through life's ups and downs.
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Military Veterans

U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
From reducing debt to finding a home loan to creating a family budget and protecting your identity and VA benefits, VA and its partners have resources to assist with managing your personal finances.
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The Military Wallet
This personal finance and benefits website strives to help the military community better manage money and understand the programs and benefits available.
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Active Military Members

Office of Financial Readiness
Our goal is to foster a financially secure and mission-ready force with every military family living their best life today and in the future.
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The Military Wallet
This personal finance and benefits website strives to help the military community better manage money and understand the programs and benefits available.
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